Monday, July 7, 2008

Day Thirty-Eight

I was on the road at 7am and drove the 3 hours to Austin to meet my good buddy Mike from high school. Mike is in his final semester at the University of Texas and played on the football team the last few years. He gave me a tour of all the football facilities which was totally ridiculous... the locker room, position rooms, players lounge, the stadium, training rooms, nothing really seemed off limits. After lunch we parted ways until I see him again in Arcadia next month. I then drove south for about two hours and reached Boerne, Texas which is just a little north of San Antonio. I am staying with my friend Lauren and her family, whom I have not seen in roughly five years. They live in the "Texas Hill Country" which is pretty different from the Texas I have seen thus far, because it's like green and hilly and stuff. I am absolutely stuffed after my first home cooked meal since Minnesota and it should carry me through my visit to the Alamo tomorrow.

Lauren said to improve the blog I should include pirate jokes...
-Did you hear about the pirate who took up boxing?

-He had a killer left hook!

Mike and I at his apartment in Austin, TX

These kinda speak for themselves.

Mike trying to look tough.

My view in the stadium today at the University of Texas.


Dr. Totten said...

Did you bite the rings to see if they were chocolate. B/C thats the first thing I would have done.......................Maybe.

Let me Know if there are any Davey Crocket sightings at the Alamo.

Keith Sparks said...

That field is nothing compared to Sparks Field!!! Now that is a stadium...

Jessica Holden said...

Trout has some great pirate jokes if you need any more!

Anonymous said...

haha amanda's going to be so upset that you didn't mention her in this

Unknown said...
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