Sunday, July 6, 2008

Day Thirty-Six

I write from Pensacola, FL where for the second time of my life, weather was scared me off the road. I take refuge at Denny’s with other travelers, a warm plate of Nachos comfort me. Roughly four years ago, there was a fog in Northern California on one of my commutes from school to home where I had to open my driver’s side door and look down for the yellow line, just to be sure I was not heading into oncoming traffic. The second time and the reason for nachos, is now and because it has been raining so hard that 70 mph traffic slowed to 5 mph with emergency blinkers and thunder & lightning aren’t playing tag, but are hitting at the same time and apparently are hungry for Grand Slams or something. I am going to sit this one out because whatever the odds of getting hit by lightning are, I imagine the chances of losing are higher than usual because the Denny’s workers are currently huddled around a coffee pot discussing going home to be with their families, and they told me storms were “routine.” It’s a motel night. Thanks Earth.

Here is a break in the weather.


Unknown said...

Wow, this post just makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over. You be safe, it would be nice to have you back come September!

Anonymous said...

I love the choice of music.